Business Simulation

Before setting foot in the real world, why don’t you put your corporate leaders in simulated situations, sim- ilar to real-life, where they would learn how to respond to high-intensity challenges, avoid risks and create deep sense of ownership for the company strategy. The simulation will ultimately inspire the attendees’ actions when they are back to their jobs.

A simulation uses real competitive dynamics and places corporate leaders in a context where they step out of their normal day-to-day roles and gain exposure to the big picture. Participants make decisions in a totally risk-free environment, allowing them to learn with no drawbacks.

Business Building Blocks (3 B’s)

Our simulation tools allow company employees to develop skills and capabilities at all levels of the orga- nization. Once the participants start, they struggle with issues and decisions that they must make. A year is actually compressed into a day or two, and competition among teams enhances engagement and team building.

Our business simulation involves a series of data-driven input variables carefully designed to engage the participant in the situations that impact his business performance and learning abilities.

Why do you need a business simulation?

Companies are gradually getting more interested into simulations to help build strategic alignment and execution competence among their employees, when faced with business challenges. Simulations are highly advisable if the company seeks to achieve any of the below objectives:

  • Implement a new strategy
  • Accelerate strategy implementation
  • Improve business acumen
  • Improve decision-making
  • Transform sales organizations into customer centric organizations
  • Focus leadership development
  • Implement culture change
  • Improving creativity

It is a fun journey, full of knowledge and skills, relevant to each business day.

“Knowledge is of no value un- less you put it into practice.” – Anton Chekhov (Russian Playwright)