At its core, leadership means setting goals, lighting a path, and persuading others to follow. But the responsibility entails much more. Leaders must get their message out in a way that inspires, make the most of their limited time, and build roads to precious resources. They must negotiate alliances, improve their colleagues, and align the
Emotional Intelligence “It is Not What You Think” Emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware of and to manage emotions and relationships. It’s a pivotal factor in personal and professional success. IQ will get you in the door, but it is your emotional intelligence, your ability to connect with others and manage the emotions
Managing Virtual Teams If you are managing one or more virtual teams, you are not alone. The Workforce 2020 survey claimed that 83 percent of executives plan to increase use of consultants or intermittent employees over the next three years. Virtual teams can be a challenge to manage because one needs to create a corporate
The ABC’s of Supervising Others: This workshop is for people who are new supervisors or who are interested in a supervisory position, as well as those who are lead hands or part-time supervisors without a great deal of authority.
How you manage your team remotely Your role as a manager today is to meet today’s needs “Connect and stay connecting “
Dealing with Difficult People Believe it or not, you can stay calm, defuse conflict, and keep your dignity.
We’ve all been there—trying valiantly to reason with an incredibly difficult person. The situation proves frustrating, maddening, and sometimes even frightening. The truth is, you can’t reason with an unreasonable person. However, there are proven techniques to better manage such dicey situations.
Program learning outcomes: Building capacities of the organization to learn, change culture and adapt to the use of new business models Encourage the innovation of their team members Stay abreast of current trends by their dedication to being lifelong learners Adaptive leaders have a willingness to take risks and experiment Make individuals and team members
Program learning outcomes: Become More Productive as a Results of Better Communication with Others Lead Others More Effectively Coach Team Members Using Different Coaching Models Use motivation methodologies to Drive Results Learn How to Influence Others Positively or Negatively Using the Three Primary influence Dimensions Explore How to Gain Commitment without Using Power, Position or Status
Program learning outcomes: The “Enneagram of Personality” Model. We will explain what is Enneagram, where it originated, how it developed over time, and why we study it to start with. The Enneagram Symbol. We will explain the 3 Laws that are represented through the symbol and how these laws manifest themselves in our lives. The
Program learning outcomes: Learning Crisis Leadership Opportunity or Chaos Turn Off Your Panic Button Triple A to Lead Your Team The Leader’s Guiding Behaviors 10 Ways Leaders Inspire Others to Take Action Six Ways Leaders Can Support Team Success Ways to Stay Cool in a Crisis
Agility and Adaptability. … Agility is the ability and willingness to learn from experience, and then apply that learning to perform successfully under new situations (“Assessing and Developing,” 2010). Adaptability is to embrace change. People who are agile and adaptable are able to: Think Critically. What is agility in the workplace? Organizations that are committed
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vel purus at purus faucibus venenatis sit amet id tellus. Praesent sed tellus non odio rutrum dapibus. Fusce volutpat consequat egestas. Ut id augue sed felis mattis sagittis imperdiet eu ante. Curabitur bibendum neque nec erat sodales, in pharetra urna auctor. Proin egestas aliquet augue sit
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